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I d Rather have
Orig Key: C | New Key:

Title: I’d Rather Have Jesus

Subtitle: C


Verse 1

C                    C7    C7/Bb  F/A    F      C
I’d rather have Je - sus   than   sil -  ver or gold 
              C/E                  G7/D  C    G7
I’d rather be His than have rich - es    un - told 
C          Cmaj7  C7    C/Bb   F/A    F     C
I’d rather have   Jesus than   hous - es or lands 
              C7/E F Fm6 C/G    G7sus   G7 C
I’d rather be led by His nail - pierced  hand



C    C/E G7/D Am/C G   F/G G7 Am  Dm6/F C
Than to be the king of a vast do - main
    C/E   G7/D    Am/C  G7      D°7    F/C    C
And be    held    in    sin’s   dread  sway   
           Cmaj7  C7    C/Bb    F/A    F   C
I’d rather have   Jesus than    an  -  y - thing 
     C/G        G7sus   G7 F/G    F/C     C
This world af - fords      to  -  day     

Verse 2

C                    C7    C7/Bb   F/A    F    C
I’d rather have Je - sus   than    men’s  ap - plause 
              C/E             G7/D C   G     G7
I’d rather be faithful to His     dear cause 
C          Cmaj7  C7    C/Bb    F/A     F    C
I’d rather have   Jesus than    world - wide fame 
              C7/E    F    Fm6   C/G   G7sus G7 C
I’d rather be true    to   His   ho  - ly      name 

Verse 3

C                      C7     C7/Bb F/A     F    C
He’s fairer than lil - ies    of    rar  -  est  bloom 
                  C/E            G7/D C  G    G7
He’s sweeter than honey from out     the comb 
C             Cmaj7 C7      C/Bb   F/A      F     C
He’s all that my   hunger - ing    spir  -  it    needs 
                C7/E     F    Fm6 C/G   G7sus G7 C
I’d rather have Jesus    and     let    Him      lead 

Key: C